Say hi to our
Traffic Management System

Our gem. Our smart 

traffic management system.

The Cactus Rail Traffic Management System has not come overnight. Truth be told, we have been developing our secure, independent, smooth system since 1992. And from the very start, we wanted a smarter system.

By interpreting data and integrating it into one platform, you can start bringing generations of old and new technology together. In doing so, you are able to make fast strategic decisions based on well-documented facts. But more than that, you will know what lies ahead of you. You will see what is needed, beyond that next curve.

A system for every need

Our traffic management system has the capacity to centralise the management of a large number of lines. But it is also scalable to act as a local control system to manage indi vidual interlockings. Since we develop most of the software ourselves, we can adapt and add functions to meet our customers’ various requests and needs.

Planning and operating rail traffic is a complex process. An operator must be able to make correct decisions – fast. The trend in traffic management systems is therefore towards greater automation and more decision-making support.

Benefits with our
traffic management system

  • Cactus TMS is a modern, tried and tested traffic management system adapted to the customer’s needs
  • Centralised Traffic Control (CTC)
  • Communication with ancillary systems (traction power system, timetabling system, etc.)
  • Automatic route setting
  • Train describer system
  • Timetabling tool
  • Train graphs
  • Conflict detection and decision-making support
  • Logging, alarm and event playback function
  • Communication with interlocking
  • SCADA functions

Traffic management of all interlockings

Our speciality is to replace the control of regional railways with Cactus TMS. Our experience of different systems and communications solutions means that we also can act as a respected subcontractor and partner to other suppliers. We have never failed to implement a new interlocking into our TMS, regardless of the vendor.

Cactus Traffic Management System contains all the functions required for efficient control and monitoring of traffic on the line. Normally, all control of the traffic is automatic, based on the timetable or the distance to the vehicle in front. In automatic operation, the system can make changes to reflect the current traffic situation. The operator can take control manually, either directly by pointing to the track layout graphics, via commands or by making changes to the timetable data. The design of the user interface is very flexible and can be tailored to any requirements and standards.

Configuration tools

The customer can always decide which symbol system to apply. The 
images are usually based on a ‘macro object’, normally a whole station. 
These objects then form the basis for creating the various images types 
that arise: station images, control overviews, panoramic images or panel 

Conflict detection and decision support

Cactus TMS controls the traffic entirely automatically according to the 
timetable. If conflict situations arise due to delays, the traffic manager can
either let the system resolve the conflict automatically or resolve the 
conflict manually. Operators can influence the automated system, as well 
as adjust trigger points and times during operation.

Visualisation via train graphs

The train graph provides a graphical view of train movements in real time 
in relation to planned traffic, based on the current timetable. This makes it 
easy to see any variances from the planned traffic pattern. By predicting 
the train movements, any conflict situations can be detected and handled.
It is also a helpful tool for studying capacity utilisation on a section of 

Timetables & train numbers

Select your preferred technology for importing timetables, like Excel files 
or an SQL database over a network. Once imported into Cactus TMS, 
editing becomes easy. If an extra train is required, duplicate the existing 
timetable for a specific train number and adjust the times. Punctuality is 
continuously monitored and compared to the timetable, with color-coded 
visuals signaling delays for prompt action. Detailed timetables for each 
train are accessible directly from the graphic representation by selecting 
the train number. The traffic manager can also input delay causes to 
supplement the punctuality report.

Diffrent users and access rights

Cactus TMS efficiently manages multiple lines, providing concurrent access
to traffic managers, engineers, maintenance, and administrative staff. 
Upon login, users are presented with functions accessible to their user 
group. Traffic managers can easily set and monitor access levels by 
station, sub-section, or entire lines within the system.